Educação inclusiva para pessoas com deficiência visual nos cursos de ensino superior de exatas

Educação inclusiva para pessoas com deficiência visual nos cursos de ensino superior de exatas

Alquino, Wanessa Amancio.
Ano de publicação
Data da defesa
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TCC - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
UFAL, Campus Arapiraca, Unidade Educacional ARAPIRACA

This work is based on bibliographic research together with an experience report, which utilized a methodology of the kind qualitative with a participating approach, which is classified by the interaction between the researcher and the researched. It’s remarkable the social exclusion to the people with disabilities, in specific with the visually impaired, this work has as objective to investigate which measures are being taken to include the people visually impaired in the higher education courses, giving emphasis in the ones from exact sciences. It will be realized an analyses from the origins of the worrying about the education to people with disabilities to the actual measures that it’s being taken to assure the inclusion of those people in the regular school system, as well as how Brazilian legislation has guaranteed the rights of those people in the society, especially their educational rights. Specifically, it will be analyzed how the Federal University of Alagoas has guaranteed the inclusion of people visually impaired in your courses and in your physical spaces. Lastly, it will be related an experience with a student visually impaired matriculated in a higher course in the exact sciences, inserted in a class of Calculus 1, in order to search a way to optimize the process of teaching and learning of Calculus 1 to students visually impaired. If the education is a right of all, then is a duty of all to fight for an inclusive education that promotes equal opportunities to all.


This work is based on bibliographic research together with an experience report, which utilized a methodology of the kind qualitative with a participating approach, which is classified by the interaction between the researcher and the researched. It’s remarkable the social exclusion to the people with disabilities, in specific with the visually impaired, this work has as objective to investigate which measures are being taken to include the people visually impaired in the higher education courses, giving emphasis in the ones from exact sciences. It will be realized an analyses from the origins of the worrying about the education to people with disabilities to the actual measures that it’s being taken to assure the inclusion of those people in the regular school system, as well as how Brazilian legislation has guaranteed the rights of those people in the society, especially their educational rights. Specifically, it will be analyzed how the Federal University of Alagoas has guaranteed the inclusion of people visually impaired in your courses and in your physical spaces. Lastly, it will be related an experience with a student visually impaired matriculated in a higher course in the exact sciences, inserted in a class of Calculus 1, in order to search a way to optimize the process of teaching and learning of Calculus 1 to students visually impaired. If the education is a right of all, then is a duty of all to fight for an inclusive education that promotes equal opportunities to all.

Dr. Barbosa, Isnaldo Isaac.
Banca Examinadora
Dr. Galvão, Alcindo Teles.
Me. Oliveira, Ornan Filipe de Araújo.
Deficiência visual.
Educação inclusiva.
Ensino superior.
Ciências exatas.
Áreas do Conhecimento/Localização
Coleção Propriedade Intelectual (CPI) - BSCA.
Categorias CNPQ Ciências exatas e da terra.

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